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Manda, Vijaya Kittu, GITAM Deemed to be University, Visakhapatnam (India)
Meher, Venkateswar, IFTM University, Moradabad, U.P (India)
Mohamadc, Almira N., City College of Angeles (CCA), Pampanga (Philippines)
Munawaroh, Siti, SMPN 3 Surabaya, Surabaya, 60275 (Indonesia)
Mundariyah, Siti Khotijah, Universitas Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan, 15417 (Indonesia)
Mustamir, Ahmad, SMPN 3 Surabaya, Surabaya, 60275 (Indonesia)
Mustapha, Babajide H., Federal College of Animal Health and Production Technology, Moor Plantation, Ibadan (Nigeria)
Musthafa, M.N. Mohamedunni Alias, Central University of Kerala (India)
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Indonesian Journal of Contemporary Education (IJoCE)
ISSN 2656-033X (online)
Published by SAINTIS Publishing
Homepage: http://ijoce.org
Editor E-mail: editor.ijoce@gmail.com